cbsodataR allows to download all official statistics of Statistics Netherlands (CBS) into R. For a introduction please visit the vignette: vignette("cbsodataR", package="cbsodataR"). For an introduction on using cbs cartographic maps: vignette("maps", package="cbsodataR") The functions cbs_get_datasets() and cbs_get_data() should get you going. Interested in cartographic maps, see cbs_get_maps().

Catalog function

  • cbs_get_datasets() returns a data.frame with table of contents (toc): the publication meta data for available tables, can also include the extra tables not directly available in StatLine (dataderden)

  • cbs_get_catalogs(), returns data.frame with the available (extra) catalogs.

  • cbs_get_toc(), returns a data.frame with table of contents (toc): the publication meta data for available tables within the standard CBS

  • cbs_search(), returns a data.frame with tables that contain the given search word.

Data retrieval

Meta data

Cartographic maps

Specify different server

Besides the official CBS data, there are also third party and preview dataservices implementing the same protocol. The base_url parameter allows to specify a different server. The base_url can either be specified explicitly or set globally with with options(cbsodataR.base_url = ""). Some further tweaking may be necessary for third party services, a download url is constructed using: either with:

  • <base_url>/<BULK>/<id>/... for data

  • <base_url>/<API>/<id>/?$format=json for metadata

Default values for BASEURL, BULK and API are set in the package options, but can be changed with:

 cbsodataR.base_url = "",
 cbsodataR.BULK = "ODataFeed/odata",
 cbsodataR.API = "ODataAPI/odata"

which are the default values set in the package.


Maintainer: Edwin de Jonge

Other contributors:

  • Sara Houweling [contributor]